Little back ground of my self

I was immigrated to United State of America in April 30, 1994 at 8:30 p.m on Friday night. I've been here 8 years 5 month and 15 days and couple of hour. when I have came to united state I was between 12 and 13 years old. I started my school after three days I had arrived in the United state. the Name of my first School was Point Run Elementary school in howard County. Second I went to Buck lodge Middle School in Prince George County I finished my 7th and 8th grade from there. Third after I've had completed my 7th and 8th grade I had to transfer so then I transfer to Laurel High School because that school was near where I was living I spent four year of my gorgios life in that school and I enjoy a lot. Fourth My self and my family decied to buy the house so we buy the house in Howard County because of that I also have to transfer to another school Because Prince george county does't allowed people to go to their school when they are not resident of that county. I 've transfer my slef to school name Hammond High School. after recieving my high school's diploma I decided to continue my education so since I did not took the S.A.T test while I was in High school I decided to go to Howard Community Collegeso that is my second year in Howard College I am planing to transfer to State University of Phoenix, Because I am Continueing my education in the computer feild the Program called Internet Technology and that is all about my life that I've spent in the united state just getting educated so far I do have some other fun activities. thank for reading my little back ground take care.

My favorite tv shows

  1. america's funniest home video
  2. animal planet
  3. discovery

Three places I've Never Visited But Would Like to see Someday

My Favorite Local Restuarants

Ruby Tuesday
The place looks gorgious because the light are low and it really feel me to talk about something Romantic
the food are so tasty and spicy and most of all they have the food that i like the most Vegetarians meat and 5 to 6 diffrenet kind of rice
Shish Kabob
this place is mostly like any other restuarant in the U.S.A but the only things is that they have food that are Pakistani food and are rich in taste and quality of spices.

here is the food market looki like in the rural area of pakistan.

Here's a linkto the Hollywood movies

Nadeem Iqbal
Howard Community College
Last Updated 10/25/02
E-mail your comments to me at this address
